Here we have a promotion from two Canadian Companies. Oasis, fruit juice company, and Molson, a beer company. Teamed together they proposed this original and exciting promotional product to their customers.

Free Fridge by Oasis and Molson Canada

Customers were eligible to win an outdoor fridge with the drinks of both companies. This promotion ended on July 30th.

This is a very efficient way to promote yourself as a drink company. Firstly, it is a very uncommon way to promote a brand. Except for fridge companies, have you ever seen anyone offering this kind of product? Also co-branded promotions are very attractive and allows to both companies to advertise to more customers.

If you are interested in others drinks promotions, don’t hesitate to take a look at the following links:

For the Canadian French speakers:

Nous avons là une promotion très originale de la part des deux entreprises canadiennes Oasis et Molson. Elles proposent à leurs clients de gagner un réfrigirateur d’extérieur ainsi que les boissons des deux marques. Cette promotion est très intelligente dans la mesure où les réfrigirateurs ne sont pas des produits promotionels communs et le co branding permet de toucher toujours plus de clients potentiels.