ELLE Hong Kong – Promotional Make Up Pouch

Elle Magazine Hongkong is giving away this lovely ABIDIS make up pouch and skin care products exclusively for their club members. Simply fill in your details on the page provided on the website to stand a chance to win this promotional item!

ELLE Hong Kong Promotional Make Up Pouch

A combination of promotional products is always attractive. Decorated with black lace on a pink background, this product is definitely gorgeous. Most importantly, ABIDIS branded the label of the pouch to increase brand awareness. This promotional item is perfect for ABIDIS, as customers can carry their skin care products in the make up pouch conveniently. Frequent use of the make up pouch will also result in greater brand recall.

As for ELLE, this promotion will definitely boost the sign up rate for ELLE Club membership! ODM Asia suggests that ELLE brand the make up pouch together with ABIDIS in order to build a strong brand image. Also, it is free advertising as most women bring along their make up pouch to washrooms. Surely, many other women will see this eye – catching pouch!

Browse the links below for more promotional products!