Social Media & Blogging

With the advancement of technology, digital marketing is seen as an essential part of making business in the current age – hence, why it has been called the digital age. Consumers are now actively interacting with information online, social media has been a favorite medium for companies to market their products and services.

Which platform should my business engage in?

We admit that there are too many social media platforms to choose from. One of the key takeaways from digital marketing is to develop a set of platforms that the business can focus on developing their company profile. In Marketing, the idea should always circle back to the consumer. Therefore, to choose which platform to market your business should entirely depend on your target demographics. Where are your customers?

What type of content is appropriate for my business?

It is important to find a balance between personalized content and hard selling. If you find yourself at either ends of the spectrum, you will end up either creating content that is irrelevant to your business, or making it irrelevant to your customer.

It therefore, best that the content to be flexible and not come out as automated.

We developed a simple rule for creating content, using the special 3 Es. Engage, excite and experience. This will help build a relationship with your customers and build your brand awareness.


How can we help?

In ODM, we have our own set of social media platforms to choose from. An all time favorite has to be our blogs. This is because blogs help with creating detailed content, suitable for complex concepts like promotional products and marketing. It therefore suits the need of our target audience and helps us promote our services. We would like to extend a helping hand for businesses to be featured in our blog. This will definitely help your brand gain proper exposure.

With years of experience in social media marketing, we could also help your brand manage your social media accounts. We have a team of designers capable of creating original content, suitable on all levels.

Fill up this Interview Form if you would like to be featured in one of our blogs. Alternatively, you could also contact us directly to learn more and read our case studies on our online magazine.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the way of reaching customers through the internet, social media, and other search engines.

Benefits of effective digital marketing strategy ?

Digital marketing can help you with increased traffic and sales by connecting more people to your organization.

What is a blog?

Blog is an online journal to express your view on particular subject. It helps you to deliver your content and target the audience.