Interesting Italian Promotional Product Blogs

It’s always a good idea to keep up with the trends in each country, for example; the Italian market. Being close to the client is the key to knowing more about their way of life, culture, and learn their working style. The knowledge that you gain will be really helpful in terms of giving you ideas on what kind of marketing approach you should take.

At ODM, we love to keep track of what’s new in terms of promotional products all around the world and discover new promotional items. More importantly, we absolutely love sharing these new cool and creative inventions with all of you!

You can check out this list of Italian blogs for interesting promotional products:

The Italian’s have shown great potential in terms of the promotional product business. They have lots of ideas and their blog are plenty of cool products.

Check out these fascinating product ideas for a superman promotion!

Italian Promotional Items: Superman Apron

Italian Promotional Items: Superman Glass

Italian Promotional Items: Superman Headphones

Do feel free to let us know if there are other blogs that we should add to this list! It will certainly be a pleasure to list them and write blogs about fresh new promotional ideas!

“Few words in Italian”

E sempre bene vedere che cosa sta accadendo nei diversi mercati in cui operiamo e per conoscere meglio i nostri clienti. Ci piacciono molto vedere nuove idee attraverso il mondo per quanto riguarda tutti tipi di articoli promozionali. Lo scambio delle idee permette di conoscere meglio la cultura e il modo di lavoro degli altri paesi, ma anche come loro usano certi prodotti in alcuni mercati. Ogni paese ha il suo modo di commercio et la sua visione del business. Ecco perché è importante nella vita attuale di scambiare le nostre idee e lavorare insieme.