Promotional Idea – Special Christmas Umbrellas

Summer in Europe is over, but that means Christmas is coming soon.

So why not giving away an umbrella as a promotional gift.

Promotional Idea – Christmas Umbrella

This unique umbrella is a good item just before Christmas comes. You could give it away as a gift with purchase together with some expensive products which are also related to Christmas. Many people will love this unique umbrella and this could be a way to drive sales. Furthermore, this umbrella can be branded with your company logo, that will increase the brand image of the company.

All in all this umbrella is a great item which will increase the sales of your product and strengthen your brand.

A few words in German:

Dieser weihnachtliche Regenschirm ist gut als Gift with purchase in der Vorweihnachtszeit geeignet. Insbesondere Menschen, die schon in Weihnachtsstimmung sind werden durch dieses Produkt dazu verleitet, dass zugehoerige Produkt zu kaufen. Ausserdem kann sich das Unternehmen durch ein dezentes Branding auf dem Schirm gut in Szene setzen und so seine Popularitaet noch weiter steigern.