Promotional Product France – Cochonou gifts for the Tour de France 2012

The Tour de France, the world’s biggest cycling event is currently being held in France. This event is always a big promotional event for companies because they can not only offer goodies to the people watching the race along french roads, but also to those in shops.

For instance, the French sausage brand Cochonou is offering these cool gifts to their customers:

Promotional Product France – Cochonou gifts for the Tour de France 2012

There is a range of gifts customers can win from: Hats, toy cars, piggy banks, table sets, sun visors and bottle openers.  These product are, of course, branded with the Cochonou logo and their trademark, a white and red napkin motif.

In order to get these gifts, you simply have to go to Cochonou’s website and play a question game! As it is a different question everyday, there will be different gifts to be won!

As you can see, these big sporting events are always a huge opportunity for companies to promote themselves using promotional gifts!

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Now a few words in French for our foreign readers :

Le tour de France, les Jeux Olympiques, l’Euro, les coupes du mondes et autres évènements sportifs majeurs représentent toujours énormes opportunités commerciales et marketing pour les entreprises. En effet, vu l’émoi que suscite ces compétitions, on comprend facilement que les entreprises essaient d’en tirer le maximum de profit.

De plus, Cochonou est un des sponsors historiques du Tour du France. Leurs clients doivent donc sûrement être en attente de ces goodies et autres objets pub, et Cochonou doit donc se montrer à la hauteur de leur attentes.



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