Russia GWP – Samsung Thermo Bag

Samsung is giving away thermo bags in most electronics stores in Russia. To redeem this promotional gift by Samsung, simply buy Samsung CE 103 VR or Samsung CE 103 VR-Bв microwave oven.

Promotional Thermo Bag by Samsung

This is a perfect gift for those who are on the road a lot. A lot of people also use thermo bags during summer trips, so this promotional item is perfect for the current season. Thermo bag ensures that both hot and cold temperatures are preserved while its contents are being transported. Bearing these advantages in mind, from all the microwave ovens the consumers will definitely choose to buy Samsung ones, which will significantly drive sales.

What is more, Samsung has done a good job placing its logo prominently on the front of the bag to increase brand awareness. For the same reason, the colours of the bag match to Samsung corporate colors – white and blue.

For more related articles, check out these links:

And now a few words about this promotion in Russian:

И снова Samsung дарит подарки своим покупателям: при покупке микроволновых печей Samsung CE 103 VR или Samsung CE 103 VR-Bв Вы получаете фирменную термосумку Samsung в подарок. Мы не сомневаемся, что эта промо-акция будет успешной. И причины на это следующие: во-первых, термо-сумка – очень полезная вещь. Она пригодится и на пикнике, и на даче, и в дороге. Наверняка многие захотят заполучить такой промо-подарок бесплатно. Во-вторых, сумка брендирована, поэтому узнаваемость бренда и лояльность покупателей непременно возрастет.

View Comments

  • Apart from a Thermo bag, I think utentils could also be great items to giveaway since this is a promo for a microwave!