Brighton Gift with Purchase: Media Case

Brighton is giving away a media case as its gift with purchase of at least $100 worth of spending. The media case can be used to store and carry media devices as well as other accessories. Read more to find out how the media case makes an effective gift with purchase…

Brighton Media Case Gift with Purchase

Brighton is a specialty outlet based in Los Angeles which sells accessories, handbags, footwear, belts and gifts. In the late 1960s, there were two high-school sweethearts living in the San Gabriel Valley east of Los Angeles – Jerry Kohl and Terri Kravitz. They started their own specialty store while they were still in high school. Each day when class ended, they opened their store selling T-shirts and leather goods to their classmates. After graduating in 1969, they operated their store full-time.

How does the media case make an effective gift with purchase?

The media case has a chic design with a heart shape and it reflects the branding of Brighton which targets the female market segment. It is shaped in a rectangle which is great for storing media devices such as tablets and e-readers. It may also be used as a handbag to store personal accessories and belongings. The media case also has a comfortable strap which allows the user to sling the bag over the shoulders and carry their media devices anywhere conveniently.

Brighton may brand its logo on the handbag to increase brand awareness. More people will know about Brighton and there is a higher chance that they will patronise the outlet. The logo will also boost brand recall. This will facilitate reminder advertising and increase brand loyalty. Thus, more people will reminded to purchase items from Brighton. This will increase sales for Brighton. Customers will also be encouraged to spend more in order to get the media case for free. What do you think of this marketing gift?