ELLE Online – id America Cushi for iPhone 4 and 4s

Social media such as Facebook and Twitter are getting more and more popular as a marketing tool. But how do we make your marketing campaign more interesting than others? It’s simple. Just include an incentive product, like what ELLE Hong Kong did!

ELLE Online – id America Cushi for iPhone 4 and 4s

You only need to like ELLE Online Facebook page, share it on your timeline and answer a simple question, then you will stand a chance to get this id America Cushi for iPhone 4 and 4s. This will aid id America to do their market research and also boost subscription rate for ELLE Hong Kong.

Collaboration with other brand is great, but you can do it on your own too! Simply offer a unique incentive products as part of your marketing campaign and you will be able to increase your brand image. Not only that, you can also brand this gift to increase brand awareness and brand recall. Everybody is doing it; don’t lose out!

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