Expert chain store Russia GWP

Expert is an electronics chain store with outlets in many cities of Russia. This company has decided to appeal to those who spend their workdays in front of their computers by holding a gift with purchase promotion. Customer will get a USD-fan for every Samsung smartphone purchased.

GWP by Expert, Russia – a USB-fan

This small gadget will definitely add more comfort to the workdays of the white-collar workers. All you have to do is to plug this tiny fan into a USB-port and the flow of fresh air will burst into your daily routine.

Samsung has also done a good job by taking part in this promotional campaign. Utilizing USB-fan as a promotional gift is sure to boost sales.

For more ideas on electronics promotions, checking out the following links:

Just a few words in Russian for the Russian readers:

USB-вентилятор в подарок – отличная идея для промо-акции. Сеть магазинов электроники Эксперт предлагает этот полезный гаджет всем покупателям смартфонов Samsung в качестве подарка. Данная акция очень хорошо продумана, ведь большая часть покупателей смартфонов  Samsung – бизнесмены, которые проводят за компьютером большую часть времени.