Quick, one of the biggest chains of fast-food restaurant in France, is currently running a really cool promotional campaign by offering licensed characters promotional gifts from “The Simpsons” TV show!

GWP France – The Simpsons School Stationary

Order a “Menu Top” meal in any Quick restaurants to receive “The Simpsons” branded products! Due to the fact that children are going back to school in France next week, stationery is definitely the perfect gift to offer!

Furthermore, parents are also currently buying stationery supplies to get their children ready for school. Hence, by offering such promotional gifts would certainly entice them. What’s more with the characters from their children’s most favorite TV show… They would love this marketing campaign!

In a nutshell, we would say that this promotional campaign work well to appeal both children and their parents.

What do you think of this promotion? Feel free to read up some relevant articles…

Now, a quick review of this article in French for our foreign readers :

Cette opération menée par Quick est très intéressante et démontre encore une fois le soutien à la vente que peuvent apporter les cadeaux promotionnels.

En effet, si l’on se penche tout d’abord sur les utilisateurs de ces produits, les enfants, ceux-ci vont vraiment être attirés par ces produits qui leur permettront d’avoir des cahiers, trousses, etc, à l’effigie de leurs personnages préférés tout au long de l’année scolaire !

En ce qui concerne les acheteurs, les parents, ils seront ravis de réduire le budget qu’ils accordent chaque année aux fournitures scolaires de leurs enfants.

On ne peut donc ésperer que le meilleur pour cette opération promotionnelle!

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