Hello Kitty Promotional Gifts by :CHOCOOLATE (Beach Ball)

:CHOCOOLATE, a famous clothing fashion chain in HK, are currently offering a really nice incentive to their customers. These gifts consist of Hello Kitty beach balls and umbrellas. As you may know, there are really a lot of people who are really fond of Hello Kitty products in China and around Asia!

In order to get these products, :CHOCOOLATE customers have to buy at least 600HKD of products to get the beach ball and at least 900HKD to get the umbrella.


Even if it is just basic products, these products are really inciting customers to buy more products in the :CHOCOOLATE shops and so, it is directly impacting their turnover.

Hello Kitty Promotional Gifts by :CHOCOOLATE (umbrella)

Actually, :CHOCOOLATE is quite used to these incentive products. The surprising fact is that they don’t put any of their logos on the products they are offering.

We can even say that these two products are more of collectibles (or Hello Kitty goodies) than real promogifts.

Besides, offering this kind of “summer gift” will be sure to appeal to a lot of people and so, make them come to the shops and buy products!


What do you think about this promotional campaign and about these incentives? Please tell us how you feel or have a look on our related blogs :


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