Increase your Brand Awareness with Customized Shakers

The Keep Fit and Work Out Culture has never been stronger, therefore there is an increased need for healthy supplements, which also increases the need for shakers to mix the supplements. In this case Customized shakers are an excellent way to increase your company’s brand awareness and thus boost sales in the long run.

Increase your Brand Awareness with Customized Shakers

The shakers are manufactured in many different colors and shapes. The shapes make them easy to customize with your company logo/name. The shakers are great if you want to target a special target group, eg. fitness centres or sports active people.

Increase your Brand Awareness with Customized Shakers

Above is an example of POS-shaker display. This is a great way to show your brand and increase brand awareness. You can benefit from this display in fitness centres or at sporting events.

How are Customized Shakers Beneficial?

Customized shakers are a great marketing gift to include in your marketing approach. You can use these promotional items to increase brand recognition among your target group. These products can be used as a free gift with purchase incensing customers to purchase more of your product. It can also be used as a free giveaway. This will help your company to stay in customers top-of-mind, because the giveaway will work as a little business card every time customers use the shakers.

Increase your Brand Awareness with Customized Shakers

Above we see an example of how the Dutch National Team customized shakers, to allow fans to show their support. This helps the association to maintain it’s position in the market and by that boost sales in the long run.

Feel free to contact the ODM Group to learn more about customized marketing gifts like shakers. We have years of experience with sourcing promotional products for companies all over the world. If you are interested in similar products, then check out some of our related case studies below:

Promotional Salt and Pepper Shakers

Promotional products for sport lovers: the customized sport ball

Shakers er et fantastisk produkt, hvis du ønsker at brande din virksomhed. Der findes mange forskellige shakere. Der er massere af plads til at vise din virksomheds logo/navn.