Everything in hand for your jam session: customized drumsticks

I’m sure that drummers from all ages and from all over the world would love to possess these customized drumsticks. To know why, keep on reading!

A two-in-one customized drumsticks

Everything in hand for your jam session: customized drumsticks

These drumsticks seems to look like any other one but if you look closely, you will see that one side of it is actually a pencil. Smart and original isn’t it? Maybe you are wondering what can be the use of this unique feature. For example, if you and your band mates are in the middle of a jamming session and you need to edit the musical sheet immediately because of error, it will be much more convenient. Thanks to these customized drumsticks, you can very quickly do this modification without losing time to find a pencil. Enjoy this sharing moment with your friends like never before; let’s put music first. To try it is to love it!

These customized drumsticks can be a great promotional product

Everything in hand for your jam session: customized drumsticks

Of course, this customized drumsticks is not only an awesome product for any drum lover but also for anyone who loves cool design products. This item can become a promotional product just like any other pens. Do not hesitate to put your brand and logo on the body of each of the drumstick. For example, if your company is sponsoring a music festival, this gift is perfect to be given away. Moreover, it can be really useful for musicians and then they will definitely keep it.

Another option might be offer this product for free in an on-pack promo with a score notebook. Even if you do not play the drum, it is still an unconventional pencil which will definitely make a huge effect. Onlookers will be jealous you even have such a cool product!