Promotional marketing changes all the time and this is something that grocery stores need to stay on top of. In this case the tissue paper company, Lambi are doing a remarkable job to stand out from the crowd and attract attention to their brand.

They have made a campaign were customers can follow them on their Facebook page and send in their love stories, and the best ones will be printed on the tissues as “love story paper”

Lambi Love Stories

At the same time as they run this promotion, which really attracts attention to the brand, they are doing a collect and redeem campaign, to get the customer retention to the brand. Every time customers purchase a product they can collect codes from the packaging and get fantastic toys or other campaign products.

Lambi Promotional Gift

The is a great way of both attract attention to the bran and create some customer retention to the products.

Looking for more related promotion ideas, check out some related posts:

A few words in Danish for our local followers:

Lambi kører for øjeblikket en super fed promotion for at skabe både opmærksomhed omkring deres produkter men også for kunde vedholdelse. De har lavet en kampagne på deres Facebook side hvor man kan skrive sin kærligheds historie til dem også trykker de, de bedste historier på deres toilet papir ruller. Derudover kører de en kampagne hvor man kan samle point i pakkerne og gå ind på deres hjemmeside og vælge præmier for disse point. En rigtig fed måde at skabe noget opmærksomhed omkring et mærke i en tid hvor markedet godt kan stå lidt stille.