Here is a gift with purchase promotion held by Brossard, a French cake manufacturer.

Brossard Mini-Cake – Promotional Magnet

Brossard which commercializes mini cake “Savane” (translation of Savannah in French) is offering a promotional gift – Afican Map consisting 18 collectible magnets. For every Savane box purchased, customer will receive one of the 18 magnets.

Don’t you think that this promotional gift is relatively similar to what “Le Gaulois“, a French food company has offered few years ago? The French people should know their famous magnets!

Although this GWP campaign is referenced from Le Gaulois’ popular promotion, it is still an interesting promotion while it respects Savane’s spirit… Not forgetting, such collectible magnets are powerful marketing gift to encourage purchases!

Feel free to check out the relevant article as follows:

Now, it’s time for a summary for our French readers!

La marque Le Gaulois a pendant longtemps proposé à ces clients ce type de magnets à collectionner représentant la carte de France. C’est aujourd’hui au tour de Brossard qui propose de reconstituer le continent Africain.

Ce type de produits a déjà remporté un franc succès, et ici Brossard respecte tout à fait l’esprit des gâteaux marbrés Savane. Cette promotion est donc plutôt classique mais néanmois astucieuse…

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