Here is an innovative marketing idea for all companies in the drinks and healthy living industry that are wanting to promote the lifestyle and diet associated with their brand. In addition to this, companies that sell blenders can use this product to initiate brand activation or keep their current customers interested by a new method to the juicing process.

Marketing Idea: Promotional Juicer Bottle


A promotional Juicer would be great marketing idea for companies such as Pure gym with their already great selection of promotional products. Other companies that could benefit are: Innocent Drinks, Volvic and even Phillips Electronics.

Marketing Idea: Promotional Juicer Bottle

Why This is a Great Marketing Idea:

  •  Multipurpose – This product has two functions, a filtered water bottle section at the top to store water conveniently while filtering at the mouth piece to offer a great and purer taste. On the bottom part of the bottle it has a built in juicer that allows you to freshly squeeze your own fruit into the bottle to make an unprocessed, all naturally flavoured drink. Even if you don’t want to drink it with water, it offers the opportunity to have just fruit or mixed fruit.
  • Customisable – This marketing idea is flexible with both colour scheme and branding. With a bottle there is plenty of space to place a logo, whether it be on the lid or on the side, there is great freedom in setting its location. additionally it is as flexible with the colouring offering a variation in colour potential.
  • Creative – With very few products like this out there, it is innovative and unique, standing out from other companies and attracting customers just through being interested in what it does.

ODM thinks this is a fascinating product for anyone who enjoys fresh fruit or a healthy lifestyle. If you enjoyed this marketing Idea or want to develop other promo gifts with us, then get in contact today to move your promotional ideas forward.

If you are interested in this particular product please quote ODM – 1074 to our sales team when making a request.

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