Categories: Promotional Products

Plastic Container by Sephora

Containers are perfect promotional items since they are multifunctional and any customer will be able to find a use for it. That is probably why Sephora has launched a gift with purchase promotion, giving away a plastic container with every purchase of RUB 999 or above in Russia.

Sephora Promotional Plastic Container

Apart from limitless functionality, this promotional product boasts a very funny and unique design – This container is made in a shape of a tiny bathtub, which fits any bathroom interior perfectly and will spicy things up a bit!

In order to maximize the marketing effect, some branding could have been done. That way, these durable containers would have created a free advertising and contributed to enhancing brand awareness.

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In a nutshell about this promotion in Russian for our readers in Russia:
Sephora дарит каждому ванночку при покупке продукции из банной линии на сумму от 999 рублей. Ванночка выглядит забавно и впишется в интерьер любой ванной комнаты. Практичные покупательницы наверняка оценят функциональность этого промо-подарка. Хорошим дополнением был бы логотип компании Sephora. Так, промо-продукт еще долгое время работал бы на наращивание узнаваемости бренда. 

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