Promo Gift France – Discovery Channel Ruler by Nestlé Nesquik Cereals

Nestlé is currently offering to their French customers a really cool gift as it’s back-to-school time. They are giving out this ruler branded by Discovery Channel in Nesquik cereals packs.

Nestlé Nesquik Cereals Gift Discovery Channel Ruler

As you can see, this is an in-pack promotion, which means that to get this ruler, you can find the ruler inside the pack of Nesquik you purchase.

This gift will surely appeal to parents and kids. Kids will be happy for getting a ruler with pictures of animals and wild life, while parents will be happy for getting school stationaries free of charge!

This promotion campaign is great for Nestlé, which can increase its sales – thanks to this promotion. Also branding the rulers with Discovey Channel helps to improve Nestlé’s brand image by through this really nice gift !

What do you think of this promotion ? Tell us more about it and read our related blogs about this topic :

Now a few words in French for our foreign readers :

Cette campagne promotionelle est très intéressante pour les deux marques, à savoir Nestlé et Discovery Channel.

En effet, Nestlé va très certainement augmenter ses ventes sur ce produits en proposant cette règle. En effet, et encore plus en période de rentrée scolaire, ce produit plaira très certainement aux parents ainsi qu’aux enfants !

Discovery Channel sera pour sa part heureuse de pouvoir toucher un aussi large public que celui de Nestlé, d’améliorer son image de marque auprès des consommateurs et ainsi acquérir plus d’abonnés ou de fidéliser les abonnés existants!