Promotional Cat Food Dispenser by Pro Plan in France

Why should only humans consume luxury goods? Purina just advertised with a cat dispenser which provides the right amount of food for your beloved pet. Some of these dispensers are battery-powered which will be very useful when owners cannot be home to feed their cats. This cat food dispenser will ensure that your cat does not go hungry or over eat when you are away.

This promotional product definitely has high perceived value and will be able to drive sales.

What makes this a great promotional gifts is that it can be easily branded with your logo. There are large surface areas where you could place your logo prominently to increase brand awareness. A useful product will be kept for longer period of time. Branding this product will help you to enforce brand recall as

Promotional Cat Food Dispenser by Pro Plan in France

Why do we like this Promotional Product?

  • Branding. This item is easy to brand with your brand and will get a lot of attention by everyone, who owns a cat. They will also tell their friends about this great promotional product which made their everyday life so much easier, which will not only increase your profit but also will help your image a lot.
  • Practicality. Owner of this dispenser will not be need at home for feeding their cat or ask a neighbour to do this, while they are at work or on a holiday.

At ODM we have significant experience in product design, sourcing and manufacturing. We can help you with your marketing budgets effectively. Be sure to contact us if you are interested in finding out more information about effective gift with purchase promotions.

Please follow the links below for more ideas for gifts with purchase.