Promotional Products from Russia by Donskoy Tabak Cigarettes

Here is another promotion from Russia. Though it is held by a cigarette company, the promotional gifts offered are quite universal and can be used in most industries.

The mechanism of this promotion is very simple. In every participating pack of Donskoy Tabak cigarettes you will find a promo code. The specially designed Donskoy Tabak promotional website will then allow you to enter your unique codes from packs. The more codes you have, the greater prizes you get!

Donskoy Tabak Promotional Website

For 20 codes, you will get a Swiss Army knife or a promotional T-shirt:

Donskoy Tabak T-shirt & Swiss Army Knife

On saving 35 codes, you will be entitled to a vacuum thermos:

Promotional Thermos by Donskoy Tabak

With 40 codes, you get a high-quality towel:

Promotional Item – Towel by Donskoy Tabak

If you collect 50 codes, you will be able to redeem a cosy rug:

And if you are patient enough, try getting this wonderful folding camping chair for 100 codes!

Foldable Camping Chair by Donskoy Tabak

This marketing campaign is really well thought out. First of all, Donskoy Tabak will be able to collect customer data which can be used later on. This kind of information can be very handy for research on the target audience.

Secondly, with the ‘prizes’ not being instant, the clients have to visit the website to participate and therefore spend more time thinking about the promoted brand.

Finally, all the promotional items are carefully branded for better brand recognition.

For related blogs check out these links:

Our Russian readers may find a brief description of this promotion below:

Cигареты «Донской Табак» запустили хорошо продуманную акцию: регистрируя на сайте промо-коды из пачек, покупатели предоставляют компании свои персональные данные, которые компания сможет использовать в будущем для маркетинговых исследований. А брендированные гарантированные призы будут увеличивать узнаваемость бренда в течение долгого времени.