Russian Promo: Ice Age Promotional Gifts

Today is the opening day for Ice Age : Continental Drift, the 4th installment of the famous cartoon movie, in Russia. With this hype over Ice Age movie, Cinema Park (one of the biggest cinema chains in Russia) has latched onto this trend and launched an amazing promotional campaign.

Do you think you know everything about Ice Age movies? Claim to be a huge fan? Prove it and answer 4 questions here about the previous movies and send them to

The first 30 contestants who answer all the questions correctly will win fantastic promotional gifts from Cinema Park. These include a lunch box, tote bag or an ice tray with characters from their favourite movie!

Ice Age Promotional Gifts in Cinema Park chain, Russia

All these promotional gifts will be very appealing to kids, most of whom are fans of the movie. What parents will appreciate about this promotion is that these items are extremely useful. A lunch box will come in handy if you want your child to eat substantially at school, an ice tray is always a good addition to the housewares and a spacious and bright-coloured tote bag is absolutely multifunctional.

All in all, Cinema Park has done a good job making use of licensed characters and spicing things up with an element of competiton! This marketing campaign will definitely drive sales and increase customers’ loyalty.

For more ideas, check out these links:

Here is a brief summary of this promotion for our Russian followers:

Какие замечательные промо-подарки предлагает своим посетителям кинотеатры сети Синема Парк в преддверии премьеры анимационной ленты Ледниковый период 4: Континентальный Дрифт! Чтобы их получить, нужно ответить на 4 вопроса на сайте компании, но за такие призы стоит побороться! Ланч-бэг, сумка, форма для льда – таким подаркам обрадуются как дети, так и взрослые. Ребятишки будут в восторге от любимых героев, а их родители оценят высокую функциональность предлагаемых промо-продуктов.