“Thank You For Loving Bacon” Tulip Live Promo – Denmark

The Danish food company, Tulip, is promoting their bacon in several grocery stores all around the country. The theme of the promotion is “Thank you for Loving Bacon”.

Tulip Live Promotion

A smiling team of promoters are visible with a stand of bacon products where a chef cooks simple bacon dishes for the passing customers – the customers can participate in a competition where they win a Tulip cook book and cool promotional T-shirts that are branded with the slogan and company logo.

Tulip Promotional Item

At the same time, the team are biking around on a cool branded bike, giving away bacon packages as samples for their customers.

Tulip Promo Bike

Live promotions are a good way of getting in contact with your end-users and getting some feedback. They are a good way to introduce new products, changes or make the products more visible in the consumers’ daily life. Giving away cook books and samples of the products creates some some customer retention to the brand and products.

Interested in more ideas for live promotions, check out the following posts.