Most of the office supplies look really boring and plain looking, they are not original and they all look the same. Well, fret not as we have some new unique stationary tools in animal shapes just for you!

These unique stationary tools will bring a touch of fun to your workplace!

“Animalize” your desk with these unique stationary tools.

There are three different kind of animals, each of them has a specific feature: the frog is a stapler, the snail a tape dispenser and the butterfly is a hole punch.

Thanks to their bright and vibrant color, these unique stationary tools will make a difference on your desk. You will be able to make your workspace a more happy one! Not only do they brighten up your work space, they are all useful and are sure to make your colleagues envious!


“Animalize” your desk with these unique stationary tools.


Why is offering unique stationary tools as gifts a smart move?

“Animalize” your desk with these unique stationary tools.

These unique stationary com along with huge place to put your company logo and branding! That means that any brand can offer those unique stationary tools as a giveaway item!

By using this pretty cheap and useful item for as part of your marketing campaign, your company will be able to show off its fun side. The impact on your brand awareness can be huge!

Few words for our French-speaking readers.

Comme vous pouvez le voir sur les différentes photos, ces articles de bureau représentent tous des animaux.

Le premier est un escargot dévidoir d’adhésif, le second une grenouille agrafeuse et le dernier n’est autre qu’une perforatrice en forme papillon.

Tous ces produits pourront apporter une touche de gaité à votre bureau. Je suis sur que vos collègue seront jaloux !

Grâce à leur originalité, ils peuvent facilement faire de bons cadeaux promotionnels.  En effet, un logo peut facilement être apposé sur chacun d’entre eux. Ils sont, de plus, plutôt utiles et fonctionnels et ce pour un coût moindre.

Il est sur que ces produits de bureau auront un fort impact sur ceux qui les recevront.

N’hésitez donc plus, dévoilez votre côté “fun” avec ces produits.