Creative promo packaging as a part of successful marketing campaign

A bright and creative promo packaging is a powerful deciding factor for a buyer. Every business’ owner is interested in expanding their activities, as well as increasing the number of clients. Attracting new customers is the main way to increase revenue and sales, and there are a few different methods to do so.

Goods that are nicely packaged are usually sold much faster than the same products with better quality, but without eye-catching packaging. Therefore, the attention attracting promo packaging is a great marketing ploy.

Ideas for eye-catching promo packaging

Design of the promo packaging should be bright, interesting and original. Ukrainian design studio MEX has come up with a creative packaging for buns as the advertisement of a fitness center. The main objective of this promotional packaging was to convey to the buyers the idea that not all bread is equally bad for shape.

In their special promo packaging, FIT BUNS bread looks very much like well trained abs. Inside each package, there were a couple of free gym admission coupons. The marketeers claim that this campaign increased the number of fitness club customers by 25%. 2996 packages of buns were sold out in the first month, 658 people attended the trial lesson and 217 bought a gym membership. This unique advertisement provided 115% return on investment and therefore, the advertising campaign was successful.

Creative promo packaging of bread

For more articles on related ideas, check out these links:

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Всем хорошо известно, что внешний вид продукции имеет своё влияние на покупателей, а следовательно и на количество продаж. Разработка упаковки товара это первый шаг к успешной реализации. Эксклюзивный внешний вид вызывает интерес и привлекает покупателей. Необычный дизайн упаковки может стать отличным маркетинговым ходом.

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