We are currently in winter and during this kind of weather everything is grey and may sometimes seem depressing. With this color changing umbrella, you might not be able to bring back the sun but you will definitely be able to bring a touch of fun to your winter time! Let’s check out how this works.

color changing umbrella

What is a color changing umbrella?

As you can see in the picture above, this unique umbrella is actually a pretty standard one on first look. The only difference is the fact that the umbrella’s pattern changes depending on if it is raining or not. For that to happen, specific hydro-chromatic inks are used for the printing. This type of ink has the ability to change color when coming into contact with liquid. Thanks to this feature, your umbrellas is not as boring as before.

Umbrellas are not the only item that can have this unique magic effect. It is quite common to see some color changing mugs for instance and so much more.

Why using color changing umbrella is a nice idea for any firms?

Have fun under the rain thanks to this color changing umbrella.

Nowadays, a lot of companies use promotional items in order to increase their brand awareness at least cost. Umbrellas are also a very popular business gift because it is pretty high-end and always practical. By offering this product, your firm can show concern about your customer’s needs. It is also a nice way to make your client even more loyal to your brand. This item is pretty cool and fun so your customers will probably remember you more and it may empower your own brand image.

Let the color changing be part of your next marketing / communication campaign. Feel free to contact us for any additional information, quotation or advice.