June 18 is International Picnic Day! So let’s celebrate this very relaxing day with picnic-related promotional ideas! How about using this custom picnic bag with a wine table? Sounds great, doesn’t it?


International Picnic Day


What’s nicer than heading out to the park on a warm and sunny Summer day? With the bag filled with delicious food and good wine, you’re up for a grand old time. This custom picnic bag with a wine table would be a great way to improve your relaxed afternoon. No more wobbly plastic plates are needed; this custom picnic bag will keep your glass up straight!

Custom Picnic Bag with Wine Table for Outdoor Promotion


This promotional bag has a big, spacious cooler compartment, keeping all your food fresh and cold. In addition, there is a sleeve that holds a collapsible, wooden wine table on the front of the bag.

This foldable promotional table has four openings to hold your wine glass. A wooden pin on the bottom is used to stick the table into the picnic ground, whether at a beach or park.


Custom Picnic Bag with Wine Table for Outdoor Promotion


The Custom Picnic Bag looks very stylish with the choice of material and colors. The table has a convenient size, and it’s easy to assemble and disassemble.

During the summer season, parks and beaches are often very crowded with loads of holiday-goers. That’s why it is always a good idea to consider this custom picnic bag as your outdoor promo item. Thus, this collapsible bag with a wine table is perfect to use for brand exposure.

Why do we like this Custom Picnic Bag for Outdoor Promotion?

  • Practicality: Nobody likes stale fruit salad or soggy sandwiches. Keep your food fresh and your wine chilled inside this bag cooler compartment! The wine table offers a great solution to keeping hungry ants away from your food. It also helps to stop your glass from falling over on unstable surfaces like grass or sand.


  • Brand Exposure: As stated above, using outdoor or Camping Promotional Items is a great way to spread your message quickly. People at parks and beaches will be attracted to the unique design of this table and bag, drawing even more attention to your brand! In addition, your logo can be stitched or printed onto the bag. It can also be heat-branded into the wood of the table for an even more outstanding Branding.

At ODM, we have significant experience in product designsourcing and manufacturing. As a result, we can help you with your marketing budgets effectively. Be sure to contact us if you are interested in finding out more information about such a camping promotion.


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