In conjunction with the Christmas season, Very Nearly Almost (VNA) are giving out free customized wrapping paper on their online store! VNA is a UK-based magazine and online retailer. These lovely customized wrapping papers are perfect for Christmas because it is the season to wrap up your gifts for your loved ones! So hurry up and grab your credit cards because we are going online shopping!

Customized Wrapping Papers for this Holiday Season!

Why Customized Wrapping Papers Work for You?

Customized wrapping papers are the perfect for everyone this festival. Fret not about how this free gift can reach your target customers, because it will! Everyone needs wrapping papers for Christmas parties and to celebrate thanksgiving. Your customers will feel appreciated if your customized wrapping papers were given out just because it is practical! Hence, it will boost your company’s image positively and increase your brand equity.

Customized wrapping papers for marketing

Wrapping papers offer a wide area where you can customize anything you want on it! Wrapping papers usually comes in sheets, thus you can consider having different designs on each set! One interesting thing about offering wrapping papers as gifts is that they are given away to people with the presents. This means that more people will get to know about your brand because your branding will be all over their present! The receivers of the gift may also become interested to find out more about your brand after seeing your logo and may decide to look up your brand online. The simple act of proving your customers with a free gift not only helps to increase customer satisfaction but also serves as the perfect platform for promoting your brand! Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

For other christmas promo gift ideas, check out the following articles: