Custom plush toys and mascots

Environment friendly Promotional Gifts by EDF : polar bear plush toy, drink bottle and backpack

EDF, the Environment Defense Fund, organized a Promotional Gift event to help raise funds for the International Polar Bear Day back in February.

Promotional polar bear gift by EDF

Indeed the polar bear is the most endangered species due to global warming. So to advertise this good cause, EDF rewarded donators with three cute promo products:

People donating as little as 5$ got to go home with one of these items.The promotion worked on a ‘more you give, more you get’ model. So people donating more than 80$ received all three gifts!

Promotional Gifts by EDF

Although the gifts in this promotional campaign are not necessarily related to polar bears (drink bottle, backpack), thanks to the customized bears printed on them, they still manage to perfectly illustrate the purpose of the event.

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