The 2014 Olympic Games will be the first time that the Federation will have hosted the Winter Games.  On 1 December 2009, the official 2014 Winter Olympic logo was released. It’s very appealing. It’s very creative and innovative. It is especially appealing to the young population. The selected mascots are a polar bear, a snow hare and a snowboarding leopard. You can get past games and your gear in the new online shop. With every online purchase you will get a promo gift polar bear. The main idea of this promotion is to support The Olympic online shop launch.

Promo Gift Polar Bear by The Olympic Shop in Russia

Promo Gift Polar Bear by The Olympic Shop in Russia

What can promo gift do for your business?

There are many different ways to use promo gifts in your business, but you may be asking yourself, “What can promo gifts do for my business?” The answer is that there are many different ways that promo gift can impact your business.

First, promo gift will remind your current customers about your company. The promo gift offers great room for  branding as well. On promo gift , you can print your logo or slogan in several areas. It’s rather unusual today to see a plain gift, most have some kind of artwork or logo.

Secondly, promotional items serve as an advertisement for your business anywhere they are. Furthermore, it costs lesser to buy some items and print your logo on them, than to do a mailing or newspaper advertisement.

Thirdly, these promo gifts can be used to keep your staff happy. Using these items to advertise and at the same time reward employees. Promotional products also make nice gifts for your employes at the holidays or for their birthdays.

Thinking of ways to make your brand or campaign stand out from the competition. Start planning for your promotion now! Promo gift can truly bring success to your business.

Now it is time to give our Russian readers a brief summary of this post:

Не пропустите возможность стать обладателем талисмана Зимних Олимпийских Игр в Сочи. Сделав покупку на официальном сайте Олимпийских Игр в России, Вам подарят полярного медведя. К тому же, мягкая игрушка это лучший подарок для любой промо-акции. Начните планировать свою рекламную акцию на следующий год прямо сейчас, а компания ODM с удовольствием Вам поможет в этом.