Event tracking on Twitter: Web Summit #Websummit

Web Summit #Websummit finished recently and ODM has been tracking this event. This event was the leading global event for the web industry.

For this year’s Web Summit, The ODM group followed the event closely and gathered information from over 10,000 tweets before and during the event. After analyzing this information we created the following word cloud, with the number of mentions being represented by the size of the word.

Event tracking on Twitter Web Summit #Websummit

What was the conclusion of this Event Tracking?

As seen in the word cloud the big focus was on web related tweets, with “Dublin” being particularly focused on.  Though there were interesting mentions of “iGotForms”, “WG Fed” and “Startup van”. These word clouds are great at understanding what it is that attendees are talking about and what they find to be most interesting from this event.

Alongside this with this event tracking, we also found out who the 25 most active people on twitter were. This type of event provides a good opportunity to increase your brand awareness through the use of social media. The top 25 are listed below.

Event tracking on Twitter Web Summit #Websummit

Event tracking on Twitter: Web Summit #Websummit

Web Summit has been going for 5 years, with over 42,000 attendees from more than 134 countries. Known as “the best technology conference on the planet”, featuring attendees, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to the world’s most exciting startups.

Event tracking on Twitter Web Summit #Websummit

This year’s Web Summit hosted over 1,000 speakers including the world’s leading founders, investors, CEOs, inventors, designers and thinkers.

Mindsparkz, offers graphic and web design which is why we followed this event.  Recently we have been building webshops for our clients.

The ODM group is focused on designing and manufacturing unique branded promotional products. Marketing managers in the Digital space trust us to maximise their budgets with excellent and unique promotional concepts.

The ODM Group is always following new market trends by tracking events and conferences. For more of our case studies on previous conferences see the list below:


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