Categories: China business

Expo 2010, Shanghai China

100 days left to the opening ceremony of the Shanghai World Expo 2010 This expo in Shanghai, like the Olympics in Beijing before, led to a great amount of construction and redevelopment over the past few years.   The sidewalks around our offices in Zhabei district have been improved and cleaned.   Advertising around the city is focussed on the event and creating a buzz amongst the locals.   When the expo does open an estimated to have 70 million visitors will have the chance to learn more about the different countries who are exhibiting.

The aim of this Expo 2010 is to promote the exchange of ideas and development of the world economy, culture, science and technology, also allowing exhibitors to publicise and display their achievements at the same time improving international relationships.

Who knows, maybe this expo will encourage more openness and the ODM company blog (posted on WordPress) will finally be properly accessible for our Shanghai office staff.   More on this later I hope..

This is a great chance for visitors from all around the world to exchange ideas openly on how to improve the environment we live in.  ODM will be visiting the Expo to gain greater insights, meet and exchange knowledge and soak up what will be a great atmosphere.

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