Gift With Purchase France – Absynth Spoon by Absente Absinthe

Absente, a French brand of Absynth, is currently running a promotional campaign by offering this metal spoon to their customers.

Absente Absinthe Gift With Purchase – Absynth Spoon

To get this gift, just buy a bottle of Absente absynth and you will be offered a metal spoon as an in-pack promotion !

This spoon is used to drink absynth whereby you put a piece of sugar on it, then you pour absynth on it and eat the sugar. As you can see, this is a very useful item for absynth drinkers !

That’s why we can bet that this GWP promotion will certainly appeal to a lot of people and make them purchase a bottle of Absente absynth and increase their turnover.

Furthermore, people will certainly keep this spoon and use it when they drink absynth later, even the ones from other companies !

What do you think of this promotional campaign ? Tell us how do you feel and read some other blogs :

Now a few words for our French readers :

Cette campagne promotionelle va en premier lieu permettre à Absente d’augmenter ses ventes. En effet, les consommateurs aiment toujours recevoir des cadeaux et cette campagne va certainement motiver certains consommateurs à faire un premier achat de la marque où à acheter le produit pour le stocker et acquérir la cuillière.

De plus, cette promotion va très certainement améliorer l’image de marque d’Absente, car comme nous le disions, les consommateurs aiment toujours recevoir des cadeaux de la part d’une entreprise.