Looking for giveaways for your audience? How about giving away bracelets? They can be easily worn and can be customised to your own design. An example would be churches giving out bracelets with cross to their members. The bracelets can be tightened and loosened easily to fit anyone’s wrist. It can be designed to put your customised charm on it. Read more to find out how the bracelet with cross makes an effective promo giveaway…

Giveaways: Bracelet with White Cross


How may the bracelets be effective giveaways?

The bracelets can be branded with your logo or icon. In this case, for churches, the bracelets may be branded with a cross as the charm. The charm is a good way to reinforce your message as the bracelets have a long usage span.  The charm, as seen in the picture above, has crystal-like studs set in metal which stand out and glitters. It attracts more people to look at the charm which is an effective way to bring your message across to your target audience. The bracelets are also easily worn as it can be tightened and loosened by the drawstrings attached. Thus, it gives convenience to the user for easy wear.

How may your customised bracelets affect sales?

You may brand your logo or theme on the bracelet. This will increase brand awareness and enable more people to know about your brand. It will also boost brand recall as it enhances reminder advertising. This enforces brand loyalty from your targetted customers and thus, they will make repeat purchases from you and increase your sales. Use them as gift with purchase to encourage your customers to spend more in order to receive the giveaways. This will entice your customers to make impulse purchases and increase their spending. Hence, this will increase your sales.