Luxury; even if your brand doesn’t focus on this market, it’s always nice to bring a touch of it. The following high-end promogift offered by Renault is a perfect example. Let’s have a look at it.


What makes this high-end promogift so special?

A high-end promogift created by Renault

What a lovely item, isn’t it? At a first glimpse it’s hard to say what product is. It’s actually a very high-end USB key made of metal. This one has been give away to garage owners in France. Renault’s logo is laser engraved on the front part of the stick in order to draw a magnificent pattern. The name of the brand is on the back..

As you can see, the line of the product is minimalist and pure; following the trend nowadays. The black packaging enhances the feeling of luxury. Moreover, inside the USB stick, the client can find all the catalogues of the brand as well as some unique wallpapers.

A high-end promogift created by Renault


Reward your client with a high-end promogift

A high-end promogift created by Renault

Using promotional products especially high-end items like this one is very clever. Indeed, that allows the company to develop its brand awareness at least cost. It’s also a way to reward your customer and make them more loyal. The sales might increase as well.

This USB key is a perfect marketing tool as it contains all the documentation about the brand. Furthermore, this item is useful and thus, it will be we carried around quite often. The more the product is used, the better for the visibility.

A high-end promogift created by Renault

What are you waiting for? Drop us an email and we will help you to create your very own high-end promogift. Our in-house designers may assist you as well.