Promotional Products

Magazine Promotion: Bottega Offers Free Ice Bucket

Italian Prosecco company, Bottega are using a Magazine promotion to increase sales by offering a free ice bucket with the purchase of Bottega Gold. This successful use of magazine promotion is a great example of a fantastic gift promotion for a high quality product. Magazine promotion can bring many benefits to Bottega and any further companies wishing to implement this type of campaign.



Magazine Promotion: Bottega Offers Free Ice Bucket

One of the reasons this campaign is successful is due to the gift offered. Gifts are a great way to promote the product via all mediums including magazines.  By offering a transparent jeroboam ice bucket that has a retail value of HK$295, it is the perfect complimentary gift for Prosecco that will encourage consumers into ordering/purchasing the product.

If the gift was not suitable for the product being sold, the chances of  it incentivising consumers purchasing behaviour into the buying stage is low. Particularly in this case due to the premium price of the product, the gift also need to reflect this in terms of high value and a quality ice bucket certainly does this.

Advertising inside a magazine is a great way to advertise promotions, due to the large audience it attracts and their scope. As mentioned an effective Magazine promotion can add plenty of benefits to a company position.

 The Benefits of an Effective Magazine Promotion

  • Added value – Effective use of a magazine promotion can easily increase the value of the product. Particularly in the case by providing a free gift with purchase with a retail price of $295, is certainly going to make the overall product look more appelaing to the customer, thus adding value.
  • Customer Retention – Perhaps a less obvious benefit, when consumers are happy with their purchase, they are more likely to return to you as a consumer. In this case Bottega will undoubtedly  delight their consumers by offering this gift with purchase, exquisitely advertised using a high end magazine. Due to this, consumer’s view of the company will increase and so will chances of repeat purchases.
  • Brand Awareness and Exposure – The more obvious benefit, effective magazine promotion gives increased exposure and awareness to the brand, particularly when their memorable and stand out from others.

As identified the benefits of an effective magazine promotions are great which ultimately lead to short- term and long-term benefits especially in terms of sales and profits. At ODM we specialise in promotional opportunities. You can learn more about effective promotional opportunities here at our blog.

If you find this blog interesting why not take a look a gift with purchase anchor page, with tailored advice on this topic.