Yesterday Manchester United celebrated winning their record-breaking 19 league titles by giving away free promotional scarfs to all home fans at Old Trafford:

Manchester United promotional scarf

The Manchester United Stadium seats around 73,000 home fans & each gets a free scarf to hold up during the game.  The match last night was between Manchester United FC and Tottenham FC. This shows us how important and strong a promotional tool scarves can be; on a major football game in the United Kingdom and televised worldwide, almost all in attendance had these scarves, promoting the brand as seen below in newspapers.  The sea of red and white is certainly eye-catching.

The scarves created a lot of excitement on the fan pages of Manchester United and their facebook page, showing us the power of these types of promotional products.

Champ19ns Promotional Scarfs

Promotional Scarfs can be used in two different ways:

  1.  Using for own staff- Giving staff branded scarves can promote your business as well as promoting corporate identity for your employees.
  2. Consumer Advertising– As can be seen with the images above from the Manchester United game, scarves give a unique type of branding that other promotional products cannot give you. They allow instant recognition with the name or branding of the company.

Scarves are no longer restricted to winter wear, there have been innovations in smaller, thinner scarves for use all year around.

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