Lea & Perrins are well known for their Worcestershire sauce.  Now they are offering an on pack gift for every purchase of its famed seasoning in Wellcome supermarkets in HK.  We like this shrink wrapped hot plate holder.

Lea & Perrins on pack GWP

It is a common problem to get burned when cooking or handling hot plated, especially with main courses which involve sizzling hot platters. The hot plate holder in this case, provides convenience in hauling these platters or plates around without getting burnt all over.

Lea & Perrins has its customers’ welfare at heart – A thoughtful emotional connect that will stay with the recipients for a long time…    For an alternative: Silicon Hot Grips

On Pack Promos Drive Sales

The brand has always been in the front line to enhance the cooking experience of customers; through offering recipes and tips to bring out the essence of its sauce. This time, Lea & Perrins took it one step further. Through promotional products, the brand not only created synergy with its retail sauce but it also stood out and gained shelf space as seen.

For a comparison on what other sauce brands are doing: