Marketing Gift Hong Kong – Knife x Angry Birds Microwavable Bowl

Knife Oil is a brand of pure peanut oil in Hong Kong. Knife Oil has collaborated with Angry Birds to come up with a series of marketing gifts. These gifts are offered as gift with purchase on local supermarkets in Hong Kong such as PARKnSHOP.

Marketing Gift – Knife x Angry Bird GWP

Simply purchase 4 x 900ml of Knife Oil to get one microwavable ceramic bowl with Angry Birds on it. The gift comes in 6 collectible designs. Take a look at how this campaign benefits both parties.

Marketing Gift Hong Kong – Knife x Angry Birds Microwavable Bowl

Benefits of Marketing Gift Collaboration

A good collaboration will benefit both parties. You may have already noticed that the bowls have images of Angry Birds characters prominently. The reason behind it is the size of Angry Birds’ fan base.

These characters draw much more attention than Knife Oil logo. These bowls will entice the customers to purchase the bundled promotion set. Besides that, they can be the reason first-timers give Knife Oil a try.

Although Knife Oil branded this bowl somewhere less prominent, it is an effective way of increasing brand recall. Customers will not forget where they get these bowls from. Whenever they use this bowl, they may see Knife Oil brand which can strengthen brand loyalty.

Rovio, the creator of Angry Birds will benefit from the license fee it receives from Knife Oil. Not only that, it helps in expanding its customer base. Using commodity product to promote our brand can increase brand awareness effectively.

All in all, this collaboration boost the marketing efforts of both parties. Knife Oil can increase its sales through the bundled promotion. Rovio enjoys a wider publicity through this campaign.

No matter what our business is, there will be a suitable marketing gift that we can use. We don’t always have to collaborate with famous characters. Customize your marketing gift to please your customers. This way, you can communicate your brand philosophy effectively.