Marketing Ideas – GWP Glasses from Badoit (Christmas Edition)

Christmas season is the perfect time to promote a brand or increase sales. There are many ways marketing ideas can be developed to suit the Christmas theme. Thanks to promotional products, your marketing effort is much more effective to target customers in the Christmas season.

Many kinds of product can be offered as promotional gift such as jewellery, toys, household products and so on. Here we have Badoit, the famous French company specialized in sparkling water. Take a look at the GWP glasses and specially designed bottle they are offering.

Marketing Ideas – GWP Glasses from Badoit (Christmas Edition)

Maximising Your Marketing Ideas

Badoit in collaboration with the famous designers “Les Sismo“, decided to launch a collector’s set for the festive season of Christmas. This set is composed of two bottles with Christmas colours and two glasses as GWP.

Collaboration will make your marketing ideas outstanding. It gives benefits to both party. By collaborating with Badoit, Les Sismo get to increase its brand awareness. On the other hand, Badoit also enjoys some boost in brand image through this premium gifts.

This elegant Badoit set only costs 25 €uro, which makes it affordable for most collectors. Also, this will drive sales as the set has high perceived value. Ride on festive seasons like Christmas to increase your sales volume. This is the time when people are willing to spend more.

For the French followers:

La période de Noël est très propice aux cadeaux promotionnels et autre goodies en tous genres, spécialement dans les domaines d’activité tels que la bijouterie, les jouets etc… mais depuis plusieurs années beaucoup d’industriels se lance à l’assaut de la période de fêtes de fin d’année dans le but d’accroître les ventes ou bien la notoriété de la marque.

Badoit est un parfait exemple de ce phénomène. Chaque année l’entreprise Française propose à ses clients des coffrets collector pour les fêtes de fin d’année. Ce nouveau coffret a été designait par les fameux Sismo. Composé de deux bouteilles de couleurs différentes et de deux verres à pied, ce coffret de Noël risque de remporter un franc succès surtout auprès des collectionneurs.