On-Pack Promo Singapore: Vanity Set by Brand’s

Well known for its chicken essence tonic, Brand’s, the famous wellness and nutrition company is conducting a gift with purchase promotion at all Watsons outlet in Singapore. Simply purchase a pack of Brand’s InnerShine Berry Essence and you’ll receive a Vanity Set that includes a vintage comb and mirror as an on-pack promotional gift.

Promotional Gift – Vanity Set by Brand’s

ODM feels that Brand’s could have done a better job by offering a complementary promotional product such as a customised lunchbox or a tumbler. This way, it acts as a incentive product that will attract customers to make impulse purchases. Brand’s could also have it’s logo branded onto the Vanity Set to increase brand recall whenever the items are being used. This creates free advertisements and maximises the marketing efforts of Brand’s.

On-Pack Promo: Brand’s InnerShine Vanity Set

Nonetheless, this gift with purchase promotional item is effective in compelling potential customers in making the purchase, especially female customers.

What are your opinions on the choice of promotional merchandise? Feel free to leave a comment. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any enquiries…

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