Custom plush toys and mascots

UPS Plush Toy Promo – Redeem Gifts on Purchase

UPS has just dropped us a mail to our HK office promoting their latest Giveaways to encourage us to ship more with them. Always nice to receive such promotional updates by mail.

Mechanism: Make 5 shipments by UPS to anywhere in Asia and receive Harry the UPS delivery plush bear! Ship an additional 4 to get Roger the UPS pilot bear! Login to to register with the promotional code given and start shipping!

UPS Promotional Gifts

The kite-shaped letter they sent us is creative and has captured our attention. UPS paid attention to the small details of this promotion, for example, the kite tail on the mail and the uniform on both UPS collectible bears will go a long way to attract and retain customers.

UPS Promo Mail

Note to marketing managers: Constant communication with clients is important, personal note and phone calls will go a long way too..

Have a look what other courier companies in Hong Kong are doing:

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