We spotted this promo by Vitamin Water at 7-Eleven stores in Hong Kong. Simply buy 2 bottles of Vitamin water, add 19.9HKD to your purchase and you would be entitled to a limited edition phone pouch.

Vitamin Water PWP – Phone Pouch

The purchase with purchase gift is a cross promotion between Vitamin Water, Jan Lamb and Levis. This pouch does not only look trendy but can also double up as a coin holder.

ODM thinks that such a promotion is a great way to entice fans to purchase the drink just to obtain the gift. All 3 firms have also done a fantastic job on branding their signature logo or tag on the product.

On a slightly different note, we thought that printing a sticker such as the one Vitamin Water has done is a great way of ensuring visibility to your brand. It is also something that ODM is able to do.

What do you think about this promotion? Do think stickers like these would be useful in a promotion?

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