Ricaud, a French website which sells beauty products, was offering a really cool gift to its new customers at the beginning of the year. This promotional item was a handbag designed by Daniel Hechter (a fashion designer).

GWP France – Daniel Hechter handbag by Ricaud

Anyone who made a first-time order on the website had the Daniel Hechter handbag gift, shipped to you free of charge.

With Ricaud offering such a nice bag to it’s new customers, it has certainly helped retain and increase customer numbers, and so increased their turnover. And once they have made an order, it will be easier to make them buy again on the website by using other marketing techniques (emailing, etc…)

Furthermore, they should benefit from the image of Daniel Hechter. Using known people to design gifts and increase the perceived value by the customer.

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Now a few words in French :

Ce type de produit incitatif à l’achat est extrêmement efficace. Il permet en effet d’influencer fortement à l’achat. De plus, sur internet, le taux de conversion des clients est beaucoup plus bas qu’en magasin et ce cadeau a vraiment du permettre à Ricaud de doper leurs ventes.

Utiliser une figure connue donne également plus de crédibilité au produit et à l’entreprise. Cela permet aussi d’augmenter la valeur perçue du cadeau par le client. Tout ceci contribue à réellement améliorer votre image de marque

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