Branded promotional items used as giveaways usually have a higher perceived value. More people would be attracted to purchase the magazine subscriptions in order to receive the branded giveaways for free. Bunkered Magazine has thus come up with this gift with subscriptions by giving branded Srixon golf balls for eight issues costing £25.00. Read on to find out more about this promotion!

Branded Gift with Subscriptions by Bunkered Magazine

Bunkered is the largest selling golf title in Scotland and is the best selling golf title in the UK. Launched in 1996, Bunkered has grown and offers readers with features, interviews, equipment, tuition, travel, competitions and much more. On the other hand, Srixon is a company that produces golf-related accessories especially golf balls.

Branded Gifts to Boost Sales

Branded Gift with Subscription – Srixon Golf Balls

Branded gifts would definitely be able to attract more magazine subscriptions for your Bunkered, resulting in more sales generated. People may even purchase Bunkered subscriptions just to receive the golf balls, but still have to pay for a full year subscription of magazine. This is a very clever way of boosting sales for your magazine company. As people tend to buy on impulse, they only focus on the free gift that they could receive.

Branding Gift with Subscriptions to increase Brand Awareness

Branding helps generate sales for your company in the long run. When gift items are branded with your company logo on it, other people would be able to able to learn of your company name. This would eventually help increase brand awareness resulting into increased sales. Furthermore, by branding your promotional gifts, it would be able to act as free walking advertisement for your magazine. Brand loyalty could be enhanced and first-time readers of your magazine may end up subscribing to more of your issues. A simple printing of logo on the gift items could make a huge difference in profits reaped in the future.