POS Displays

Case Study: Cookie Time’s Excellent Brand Activation

Recently ODM had the pleasure of visiting Tokyo, Japan. During our visit we noticed this excellent brand activation for Cookie Time. As the below photo shows, Cookie Time is clearly a popular cookie bar, the New Zealand owned company is an international brand and the Tokyo store is evidence of this. Our focus will be discussing what makes Cookie Time’s brand activation so successful.

Case Study: Cookie Time’s Excellent Brand Activation

Cookie Time’s Guide to Successful Brand Activation

Firstly, Cookie Time’s colour scheme is bold and powerful, the red is very eye catching while the black colouring of the building concentrates the eyes on the Cookie Time’s logo. The logo is large and distinctive, informing potential customers exactly what the main product is.

Case Study: Cookie Time’s Excellent Brand Activation

By having a witty and unique catch phrase, “It’s always Cookie Time” pasted over a Cookie Clock, the brand will be recognizable and remembered those passing by. Furthermore, by having large banners, those who are in the further distance will be able to see what the main product is being sold in this Cookie Bar.

Secondly, Cookie Time has focused it’s branding upon the company mascot “Cookie Muncher”. This can be seen in it’s prominent featuring in the company logo, as well as the large statue positioned outside the Cookie Bar’s entrance.

Case Study: Cookie Time’s Excellent Brand Activation

Japan is famous for it’s love of mascots, after all some of the world’s greatest were originally marketed here, so it comes as no surprise how distinctive the Cookie Muncher is in the branding of the Cookie Bar. Also, the Cookie Time mascot can be clearly noticed to be influenced by Sesame Street’s “Cookie Monster”, thereby helping gain further increased recognition for the Cookie Time brand.

Lastly, Cookie Time’s flag display is eye catching and impactful, pedestrians have to walk through these displays. Therefore the greater the effort that has been put into the design and attractiveness of these displays, the greater the brand recognition will be, the more new customers will be attracted to the Cookie Time brand.

Case Study: Cookie Time’s Excellent Brand Activation

The flag display utilized by Cookie Time here follows the same colour scheme as before, red heavily features as it is a powerful and draw the eyes to the brand. The amount of flags displayed will cause pedestrians that see the brand, to be more likely to be convinced to try Cookie Time.

In summary, Cookie Time’s brand activation has focused on these three points of display to boost their brand recognition and awareness. As it is an international company, it’s approach has clearly worked; and by the focused marketing displayed, it will be sure to continue to.

If you are interested in learning more about Cookie Time, their products and their promotional merchandise please see the below links:

Cookie Time Products

Cookie Time Merchandise

Feel free to contact the ODM Group to learn more promotional products. We have years of experience sourcing promotional products to companies all across the world. Our in-house design team, Mindsparkz, can also help you come up with new and unique ideas for your promotional campaign.