A Creative Marketing Gift for New Year, Russia

New Year is the biggest and most popular holiday in Russia and this is a great opportunity for companies to prepare marketing gift for their customers, clients, employees and partners. Sometimes it is hard to implement because at the end of the financial year, companies are not interested in wasting their budget, and it is also hard to find creative ideas for promo-gifts, but everyone expects the great effect.

As there are just 2 months left to New Year’s holidays, now it is time to start brainstorming and be creative!

An example of an unusual marketing gift from Russian company

In 2004, one of Russia’s largest branding agencies conducted an unusual promotional campaign. This promo action was carried out in winter. And the winter of 2004 was unusually warm for Russia. Marketing gift of the company was pretty simple and included paper bag with the logo of company, made in corporate colors. Red paper bag – it is the corporate color. In the bag the client could find a bottle of Bordeaux. Yes, the red wine as one of the items of giveaway.

Next, the most interesting item – there were a card in the package, a red T-shirt, and even an umbrella. It was also red and had the logo of the company. Umbrella as a winter marketing gift? Unusual, right? But the company did not just offer the New Year presents, they even accompanied it with a little story. As the world inexorably moves to global warming, everyone need to be prepared to it in advance. Therefore, they presented an umbrella. During that winter, it was more relevant than gloves and scarfs. On the card and on the T-shirt there was a designers pattern. And the back of the T-shirts were advertising their website.

As you can see, all items of marketing gift were pretty simple and ordinary, but the unusual climatic conditions and a little story made ​​this promo campaign so memorable that after almost ten years people still remember it. It had a big success that time. Get inspired for unusual New Year’s promo-gifts and prepare a great marketing campaign!

Unusual pattern on a winter marketing gift

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Чтобы не потерять актуальность, органицазия должна использовать любой шанс и напоминать о себе. Самый простой вариант Новогодних промо-подарков – это сувениры. Однако, их выбор довольно однообразный и таким подарком трудно удивить покупателя. Поэтому, нужно быть креативным и стараться отличиться от других компаний, использовать необычные маркетинговые стратегии. Если Вы ещё не определились с подарками к Новому Году, компания ODM group поможет вам найти оригинальные и необычные идеи!