Make Use of Creative Marketing Tool in Bagvertising

Many brands have now explored using their shopper bags as a creative marketing tool. These marketing tools are used by some high profile brands and are a successful technique of promoting brand image.

So what really is bagvertising?

Lipton Tea

This shopper bag creatively represents a tea bag. An item which can be recognized internationally, and represents perfectly the shape of a tea bag.

Marketing tool: Lipton Tea Shopper Bag

Green peace

Greenpeace demonstrate how you do not need to use a physical product on a shopper bag for a creative marketing tool.

Marketing Tool: Greenpeace Shopper Bag

Red Cross

It is a worldwide fact surrounding the importance of giving blood. Many medical companies and charities have strong marketing campaigns to capture attention and highlight the significance of the cause. The design of this shopper bag is a strong marketing tool which has minimal design in comparison but a bold message.

Marketing Tool: Red Cross Shopper Bag

Max Factor

Marketing Tool: Max Factor Shopper Bag

Max Factor is another international brand who have incorporated shopper bags as a marketing tool. This bag is striking in promoting a specific product, it shows the results of one of their mascara products.  This allows consumers to view this as a desired image and therefore product.

Why are shopper bags such a clever marketing tool?

Bagvertising has now become a very competitive marketing tool that has been around for many years. These bags are a creative method of marketing and advertising. They aren’t positioned in one place such as a billboard or sticker, they travel! This means a wider audience, not forgetting that such bags are often reused which equals an even wider audience!

As you can see from above, your industry sector is not restricted to using bagvertising, what company or brand does not use shopper bags? This is definitely a creative marketing tool worth exploring and adapting too!

ODM have plenty of experience in design and sourcing for many different designs in bags. So what are you waiting for? Contact ODM today to discuss your brand identity and promote your creative image worldwide!