Promotional Products

Why You Should Invest in a Custom Bag Holder – Ask Stella Artois

Where do we put our bags at bars or restaurant? Do we place them on the floor or on our laps? Well, Stella Artois has the answers to these questions, place your bags on the Custom Bag Holder – our team visited Mexico and love this marketing campaign there.

Upon seeing these bag holders at a bar we immediately fell in love with them, here’s why custom bag holder should be implemented.

Custom Bag Holder


Custom bag holders are highly customisable. The arms of the custom bag holders can be customised to any shape or structure. As long as it can hold the weight of the bags that is. As seen, Stella Artois has also printed their logo on the custom bag holder. Thus despite its utility features, custom bag holders are also useful in promoting your brand.

Printing the brand name and restaurant’s name could also help maximize their venue promotions, so this is a win-win for both the and the establishment. Printing can also be done on custom-shaped coasters or custom ice buckets.


There is no hard and fast rule as to where customers should place their bags whilst at bars or restaurants, thus it is common for customers to place their bags on the floor, on their laps, or even on another chair. By allocating a designated space for customers to place their bags, this reduces the confusion and disorganised sequence of events once customers are seated.

Customers who use the bag holders will also be able to seat more comfortably as compared to putting their bags on the laps, or on the floor which reduces leg space. As customers will be using the bag holders, they will be less inclined to place their bags on another chair, this in turns allows you to accommodate more guests. Customers are also more likely to frequent a store they feel comfortable in.


Custom Bag Holder

Customer Service

Offering to take care of belongings would be a form of additional customer service to customers. Most stores do not provide this facility, presenting bag holders as a form of added customer service would be an act of going above and beyond to ensure that customers are comfortable. Stores can also provide bag covers so that bags will be protected in an event of a spill.


Custom Bag Holder

Concerns About Using Custom Bag Holders

The biggest concerns posed would be the security these bag holders provide to theft. Bag holders seldom have locks for customers to store and pale in comparison to the security provided by lockers. They are also easily accessible such that customers can easily take access to their valuables. This also means that it is easy for thieves to access their belongings. Will the bag holders provide enough security for people to use them to keep their valuables and belongings? Here are the possible solutions:

  • Bag holders could be stationed only in one section of the restaurant. Assigned personnel would be stationed to take care of these belongings similarly to valets.
  • Another solution would be to reinforce the holders to the table such that customers will be able to look after their own belongings.
  • Locks could also be in place such that customers could lock their belongings thus thieves would not easily snatch away belongings from the bag holders.


Custom Bag holders are a good way to not only showcase your brand but also go above and beyond in customer service. There are concerns in regards to the security bag holders provide, these issues can be easily countered by simple solutions. When implemented correctly bag holders not only adds to better customer service but also help in creating a returning customer.


How Can the ODM Group Help?

Looking for unique promo items to boost sales? Fortunately, the ODM team can help you come up with inventive and unique designs for your custom branded merchandise. We have product designers who have vast experience in designing custom promotional merchandise for your business. Contact our team today to learn more about how we can help you grow your business through the use of effective corporate promotional products!

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