A few millenaries ago, the Mayas predicted that the world will end in 21 December 2012. Most of people are talking about this whether or not they truly believe. A hot topic like this is a good occasion for companies to increase sales or promote a product. This is what ODM found in Monoprix supermarket in France: a gift with purchase by Final Edition from AXE 2012!

Gift with Purchase by AXE – Suit Case

How to Plan An Interesting Gift with Purchase

AXE (Lynx), specializes in personal care products for men. It is also part of the Unilever umbrella. AXE tapped on hot topic to introduce a new product line to its customers. AXE came up with a new set called the Final Edition.

The set based its concept around the hot topic, viewing the end of the world positively. The packaging reads “Joyeuse fin du monde,” which means “Happy end of the wold.” The Final Edition set consists of perfume, deodorant and shower gel. In order to promote the Final Edition set, AXE uses a suit case as a gift with purchase. When you get the full Final Edition set, the suit case is yours for free!

If you are promoting your product using interesting theme like AXE, you should definitely couple it with a gift. The limited edition concept will increase the perceived value of the gift. The gift will be kept for a long time after purchase and serve as a reminder to your brand and concept. This means that you are building brand loyalty from customers as they continue using your product.

For our French followers:

Nous avons là une promotion de la part de la fameuse marque de Parfun pour Hommme AXE. La marque du groupe Unilever profite de la fin du monde annoncée pour proposé un pack “Final Edition”. Le groupe reconnu ses campagnes publicitaires plutôt osées, tape encore un grand coup en souhaitant une joyeuse fin du monde à ses clients.